
Friday 3 May 2013

Relationship Information

Ladies, if a man says he will fix it, he will,
There is no need to remind him about it every six months.

I heard a guy moaning about how expensive his wedding was.
He's going to be apoplectic when he finds out how much his divorce will cost.

NASA's robot, Curiosity, landed on Mars.
Early pictures show no signs of ESPN, beer or porn.
This puts paid to the theory that men are from Mars.

I once won an argument with a woman . . . in this dream that I had.

If your wife or girlfriend ever asks, "If I was to arrange a threesome for your birthday, which of my friends would you pick to join in?", never give two names.

It is funny when my wife gives me the "silent treatment".  She thinks that it's a punishment.

If there was a way to read a woman's mind, I'm not sure that I'd want to.
I hate shoes, shopping and gossip, and I already know I am annoying.

Dear women who are smart, sexy and in love with me . . . please start existing.

Men have feelings too.
For example, we feel hungry.

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