
Tuesday 17 November 2015

More Gary Delaney Jokes

Jokes about colour blindness make me see red (or possibly green).

If I was Bill Gates' Doctor and he came to me with a health problem I'd just say 'Something has gone wrong' and leave it at that.

Just reading Gardener's World magazine. I'm particularly enjoying the lettuce page.

The boiler broke last night and we had to get a man out. How he got in there in the first place I'll never know.

I have no beef with vegetarians.

What do you call a group of collective nouns?

The surgeon just carried out a lobotomy against my wishes; I've half a mind to complain.

I'm pleased to see that first issue of 'Constipation Monthly' magazine comes with a free ring binder.

I once saw the face of Jesus in some soup, but luckily I woke him up before he drowned.

To be honest I'm not enjoying reading Moby Dick, but I'm determined to finish it even if it kills me.

Just eaten a boil-in-the-bag meal, and I have to say, you could really taste the boils.

Of course, to successfully claim disability benefit these days you have to jump through a lot of hoops.

If a man watches too much por*og*rapy it eventually changes his whole attitude towards sl*gs.

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