2024 is the year I finally get to live my dreams.
So, I've booked myself in to re-sit my A levels naked.
2024 is the year I finally get to live my dreams.
So, I've booked myself in to re-sit my A levels naked.
The average person has sex 89 times a year.
Sounds like I'm set to have a spectacular weekend.
I went to the shop the other day to buy half a dozen cans of Sprite.
It was only when I got home that I realised that I'd picked 7 up.
The jumper that I got for Christmas kept picking up static electricity.
So, I took it back to the shop it came from to see what they could do about it.
They exchanged it for another free of charge.
I can't believe that there are still 7 weeks until pancake day and already the shops are selling bread and flour.
A Traditional Family Christmas
It wasn't until that first Christmas with your family
that I realised how we all do it differently,
how every family forges its own traditions, as bright
and distinct as any giant, shining star.
The way you laid out coal sacks instead of stockings;
the recital of a limerick before the opening of each present,
Christopher Lee's heavy metal Christmas album
playing quietly in the background; the pre-breakfast snorkel;
the Dance of the Seven Baubles; the festive epaulettes;
lunch with its ptarmigan fritters in milk sauce,
the suet potatoes, and the sweet and sour popcorn;
the replenishing of glasses with red turkey wine;
sprout-rolling in the park; the posting of a tinsel stick
through Mr Jennings' letterbox; and back for an evening of TV
(some classic episodes of Panorama) and games
(Hoist the Pickle, No Elbows Please!, Speculum) then bed.
The following year you came to my family for Christmas.
You said later that it was weird.
Breaking News
Rebecca Welch became the first woman to referee a match in the Premier League this afternoon when she officiated during the Fulham v Burnley match.
She booked one player in the first half for abusive language, another in the second half for a late challenge and several throughout the game for fouls that they committed years ago and had completely forgotten about.
Did you hear that Boney M have updated their Christmas hit, Mary's Boy Child, to make it more in keeping with modern sensibilities?
It's called Their They Child!
Does anyone have the recipe for figgy pudding?
I've had carol singers outside my door for hours now and they won't go away until they've got some.
The kids keep laughing about my memory.
They won't be laughing at Christmas when there are no eggs under the tree.
Just waiting to hear the dates of the Tesco staff Christmas parties.
After all, I have been using the self service tills for them all year.
From Mother Goose & Grimm (22nd of March 2007)
I was walking along the street and this bloke kept trying to give me a chicken.
I'm thinking that I'm going to make a run for it.
I went to a hotel and was given room 404 . . .
. . .but I just couldn't find it . . .
. . . so, they moved me to room 301 instead.
People used to think that Liverpool fans smell; but it's just that they never wore cologne.
I went to visit a friend at the hospital and the only parking spot was at the C section.
I had to climb out of the car through the sunroof.
I don't have an advent calendar this year so I'm just opening cupboard doors and eating whatever is in there.
How are unicorns fake but giraffes are real?
What's more believable, a horse with a horn or a leopard-moose-camel with a 40 foot neck?
I've developed a rash on my upper leg, and every time I scratch it, I hear music…
Doctor says it's spotty thigh!
We took part in a trivia quiz last night.
We had to name three songs by Meatloaf.
We got Bat Out of Hell, and You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth, but couldn't for the life of us think of another one.
Oh well, I suppose two out of three ain't bad.
I love the way greeting cards shops cover the whole range of human emotion, from extreme happiness all the way to 'blank inside'.
If a picture really does speak a thousand words . . .
I'm guessing it's a picture of my mother telling me who she briefly bumped into whilst she was shopping.
I didn't manage to get into the College of Hypnotism because . . .
. . . I failed the entrance exam.
We each have only two or three minutes left to live.
Fortunately taking a breath resets the clock.
I popped into a department store yesterday and I learned that make-up assistants do not like it when you climb up on the stool and ask for a tiger.
Son: "Dad, what's an alcoholic?"
Me: "Do you see those four trees? Well, an alcoholic would see eight."
Son: "But dad, I only see two."
Sixteen years old when I went to the war,
To fight for a land fit for heroes,
God on my side, and a gun in my hand,
Chasing my days dawn to zero,
And I marched and I fought and I bled and I died,
And I never did get any older,
But I knew at the time that a year in the line,
Was a long enough life for a soldier.
We all volunteered, and we wrote dawn our names,
And we added two years to our ages,
Eager for life and ahead of the game,
Ready for history's pages,
And we brawled and we fought and we whored 'til we stood,
Ten thousand shoulder to shoulder,
A thirst for the Hun, we were food far the gun,
And that's what you are when you're soldiers.
I heard my friend cry, and he sank to his knees,
Coughing blood as he screamed for his mother,
And I fell by his side, and that's how we died,
Clinging like kids to each other,
And I lay in the mud and the guts and the blood,
And I wept as his body grew colder,
And I called for my mother and she never came,
Though it wasn't my fault and I wasn't to blame,
The day not half over and ten thousand slain,
And now there's nobody remembers our names,
And that's how it is for a soldier.
My girlfriend thinks that I'm a stalker.
Well, she's not exactly my girlfriend yet!
So, here's some information you might not know.
Alan Price, the musician, is heavier than Vincent Price, the actor.
Whilst Vincent Price is heavier than Katie Price, the model.
And do you know how I know this?
I looked it up on a price comparison website.
To the person who stole my glasses. I will find you, I've got contacts.
I wonder if Chinese tourists get upset when they buy a souvenir from London and then find it was made in China.
Top Tip:
Prepare your kids for office life by making them buy their own birthday cake.
"My mate has a Quality Street chocolate stuck in his windpipe."
"The purple one?"
"Yes, that's him."